SAMMY HAGAR Confirms Supergroup Line-Up, Announces Studio Plans

February 21, 2002

Former VAN HALEN frontman Sammy Hagar's official web site at has confirmed reports that Sammy, VAN HALEN bassist Michael Anthony, JOURNEY axeman Neal Schon, JOURNEY drummer Deen Castronovo and former GUNS N' ROSES guitarist Slash have teamed up in a new project which recently spent time in the studio recording a few original tunes. So far, the superstar group have reportedly finished two great songs, 'Vertigo' and 'Peeping Through A Hole' and are hoping to have them in a movie soundtrack. The music sounds like a combination of VAN HALEN, LED ZEPPELIN, and TOOL., who broke the original story, has added that JOURNEY's manager, the legendary Irving Azoff, will be involved with the band and there are plans for a full album late in 2002, early 2003, with a tour to follow. In addition, VAN HALEN guitarist Eddie Van Halen is said to have given Michael Anthony his blessing to join this group, although that is still unconfirmed.

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